kettle bells

Kettlebells are great tools for metabolic conditioning, muscular development, and strength development.  They are also a good exercise tool if you don’t have a lot of time to train.  This post is going to give you three simple exercises that you can do with kettlebells that will train most of the muscles of your body.


Kettlebell swings

The kettlebell swing is a great exercise for people that don’t have a lot of time to train.  To perform this exercise, stand up and straddle the kettlebell.  Your feet should be shoulder-width apart or even a little wider.  Grip the kettlebell with both hands, taking an overhand grip.  Stand up, pull your shoulders back, and stick your chest out.


Keeping your arms straight and your knees slightly bent, push your hips back and swing the kettlebell back between your legs.  Your weight should be on your heels as you do this.  Without pausing, reverse direction and swing the kettlebell forward until it is parallel to the ground.  Repeat for the desired number of repetitions or the desired time.


Not only can this exercise be used for conditioning (i.e. perform it for time, develop energy systems, etc.), but it develops an awful lot of muscles.  The shoulders and upper back have to control the kettlebell during the swing, the lower body is what is being used to swing the weight, and the muscles of the core have to stabilize the body throughout.


Prone rows

This is a great upper body and core strengthener.  For this you only need one kettlebell and some space on the floor.  Assume the push-up position, with one hand grasping the kettlebell.  Spread your feet to help your balance.  From this position, pull the kettlebell towards the side of your body.  Lower and repeat.  Switch sides.


As you do this, focus on several things.  First, maintain a good push-up position, this means a straight line from your shoulders through your ankles.  Second, as you are pulling the kettlebell towards the side of your body, focus on keeping your arm tight to your body.  Finally, focus on the motions of your scapula as your perform the exercise.


The act of pulling the kettlebell develops your upper back and biceps, your chest, shoulders, and core must stabilize your body.  This means that this is another exercise that develops many muscles!


Kettlebell press

The kettlebell press is performed standing.  Stand up tall with the kettlebell resting on your shoulder and the outside of your upper arm.  Hold your other arm out for balance.  Make sure your chest is out and your shoulders are pulled back.  Press the kettlebell up and slightly behind your head.


The press requires that you use your core to stabilize your body.  It directly trains your shoulders and triceps.