Heavy ropes, also known as battle ropes, are a great tool for a home gym. Heavy ropes are simply long (~20-50 feet in length), thick, heavy ropes that allow for a lot of exercises to be performed. These ropes have a handle on each end, the idea is that you perform exercises by gripping each handle while the middle of the rope is secured to something that keeps it from moving a lot.
There are two ways to secure heavy ropes. The first is to use something with mass to secure the middle of the rope. The image below shows several kettlebells holding the rope down. This has the advantage of letting you do the exercise anywhere, for example what if you wanted to do the exercise in your driveway and work on your tan at the same time? Another way is to secure the ropes to something that won’t allow for a lot of movement, you can buy attachments and secure them to your wall. This requires less set up but allows for less flexibility.

Heavy rope exercises work your entire body. The video below shows an example of a type of heavy rope exercise called the slam. In addition to developing your entire body, the exercises are rhythmical in nature. This means they can be done for periods of time. So they are great for warming up, cardio-vascular conditioning, and metabolic conditioning.
There are a lot of heavy ropes that you can purchase. I like the ZENY 50 foot ropes. They are durable and the length/weight gives me a lot of flexibility for exercises and routines
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