The Giuoco Piano means that white has the initiative for a long time. The two knight’s defense is an attempt by black to stop that and have a greater say in how the opening develops. This variations starts out like:

  1. e4 e5
  2. Nf3 Nc6
  3. Bc4 Nf3

From here, white normally moves:

4. Ng6

This move threatens g7. To respond black has to move:

4. … d5

5. e4xd5

This is where things get interesting. Black has sacrificed a pawn but as we’ll see in a minute, this sacrifice will stifle white’s development.

5. …Na5

This move threatens the bishop at c4.

6. d3 h6

The white bishop is protected by d3, then black moves h6 to attack the knight.

7. Nf3 e4

8. Qe2 NxB

9. d3xN Bc5

After nine moves, we have below. Black is ahead in development, white is stifled. Played correctly this can be a solid defense for black.

An alternative to this is:

6. Bb5+ c6

7. d5xc6 b7xc6

8. Be2 h6

9. Nf3 d5

10. Ne5 Be6

These ten moves give you the below. White development is still stifled.

Played correctly this can be a solid defense for black.