The Scotch Game is another opening with an early d4 move from white. Development follows the “rules” in this opening (king pawn, knights are developed, then the bishops move, early castling). It results in a pretty even position for both sides.

  1. e4 e5
  2. Nf3 Nc6

So far a pretty straightforward opening. White moves to occupy the center, black responds. White attacks blacks pawn at e5 while also developing the king knight, allowing a quick castle. Black responds by developing the queen’s knight and protecting the pawn at e5.

3. d4

With this move white attacks to control the center.

3. … e5xd4

4. Nxd4 Nf6

White attacks with 3. d4 and black begins to counterattack. After move 4, white occupies the center, black has both knights developed, and both sides are down a pawn.

The main line leads to pretty even development. With that in mind, the Max Lange and Ruy Lopez both try to find advantages for white in the opening rather than an early move to d4 that is seen in both this opening and the center game.

5. Nc3 Bb4

This move by black pins the knight and allows for castling.

6. NxN b7xN

7. Bd3 d5

White moves the bishop to open for castling short.

8. exd5 cxd5

9. 0-0 0-0