If Willpower Is Lacking Gains Will Suffer
Hamstring strains are a common injury for athletes in sports that have to sprint. One of the interventions to help prevent these injuries is the Nordic hamstring exercise. With this exercise, the...
Hamstring strains are a common injury for athletes in sports that have to sprint. One of the interventions to help prevent these injuries is the Nordic hamstring exercise. With this exercise, the...
Treadmills are used pretty extensively in the exercise science and strength and conditioning fields. They provide a lot of advantages for testing and for research. For example, it’s easier to film and...
Despite everything that we know about the hamstrings, hamstring injuries, sprinting, and the sport of soccer, this is still a big problem in soccer. Researchers in the Netherlands published a study taking...
In a previous post we covered a study by Appleby et al (2019) examining the impact of unilateral (step ups) versus bilateral (squats) lower body training on strength. The authors essentially found...
There has been a debate for a long time about unilateral versus bilateral strength training exercises. There are a host of arguments for each. The unilateral side says that we need to...