Peanut's home on the web

"Woof! Great to meet you! Beware my tongue… (or maybe Hektor's…)"

Hi! and welcome to my home on the web. I'm the sweetest German Shepherd Dog you'll ever meet! I've had many health problems, so I've spent lots of time with strangers in the various veterinary clinics and hospitals where mom's worked or gone to school. All that hanging out with people has taught me that if you're nice to them, people give you lots of love. And I LOVE love!

I hope you'll stick around long enough to find out more about me and check out my extensive picture gallery. You can see me growing up, since I've been with mum and dad since I was 3 months old. They've taken lots of pictures!

You can also visit my German Shepherd sister, Lupa, my Siamese cat brother, Lone Star, and my Bengal cat brother, Loki.

Please don't forget to leave your paw-print in our guestbook!

Peanut's pages: life | photos | GSD | links