Loki's cat house

"Be careful! If I don't like you, I might attack…"

I am the bane of my mom's existence, so I'm sure you're happy to make my acquaintance. I've had to wait seven long years to finally make it to the internet. This is a fact I'm quite displeased about considering how adorable of a kitten I was. My pictures should have been on the WWW a long time ago. You sometimes can't count on your humans knowing the importance of some things. Something about busy at work, having kids, raising kids, moving, blah, blah, blah. Don't they realize that I'm the most important individual in this household!?

Anyway, I hope you'll check my site out and get to know me. Let me know you've been here by plopping your paw-print in the guestbook.

I'm a pure bred, certified, crazy bengal cat, so beware of my moods… and enjoy the site!

Loki's pages: life | photos | Bengal