Loki's life story
Hi, I'm a 7 year old male neutered Bengal cat. I was born in Royce City, Texas, and was purchased by mom and dad for a measly $350, something that mom will never live down. I was a litter of one which should have totally clued my mom to the possibility of congenital "issues." He, he, he. Dad picked me out; he liked my attitude; apparently, I was very assertive with the other cats in my breeder's household. I was living in close proximity to a couple of Persian cats that had ringworm, so that was my first gift to my current household. I was an absolutely adorable kitten. Much more so than most, I'm sure. I spread my ringworm around gladly, but was not successful in infecting everyone in the house. Lone Star got it, 'cause I wouldn't leave him alone, and mom got it 'cause she said she wouldn't. It was poetic, per dad. So my first few months were spent getting bathed twice weekly and pilled daily. It wasn't pleasant, but Lone Star had to suffer with me, so it was worth it. Of course, my medical issues didn't stop there. Mom soon found out that I have, what she likes to call, a "bum liver", gets infected at a drop of a hat and gets me pretty sick. I actually have had to be hospitalized multiple times to get over my hepatitis episodes. Mom says that if she wasn't a vet, I probably wouldn't be around anymore, and I guess she's probably right, but it doesn't stop me from being a pain in the patoot, now does it! I do have this annoying habit of peeing on the dog beds when my liver gets cranky, which is the only reason that I'm still alive after peeing on stuff in mom's house. Can't blame a sick kitty for being sick, now can ya?
As for my name, dad picked it out, since he thought that my personality closely matched that of Loki, the Norse god. If you don't know, he's apparently known as a "contriver of all fraud" and very mischievous. The second was what dad was going after and I think he was quite successful in his description, just ask mom and Lone Star.
As life continued, I showed my true Bengal colors. I love to play in water, so I was a part of every shower and any other water involving activity. I am a serious guard cat and have attacked multiple unwanteds entering our home, sometimes to mom's chagrin. And of course, I'm the most attractive animal member of this household, displaying my marble brown tabby coloring to all who will pay attention. Outside of being annoying to mom, I do quite a few adorable things. I love to be petted by anyone, and one year olds are no exception. I love my kids, okay they're mom and dad's, but I was here first. I pretty much let Hektor do anything he wanted to me when he was a toddler just to get attention from him; he sat on me, pulled my tail, gnawed on me, etc. I'm getting ready now for Marcus to do the same, since Hektor's outgrown giving me that super-duper amount of attention. I like to play with Lone Star which the humans always find amusing to watch and of course, I've always liked chasing the dogs. It's really not a nice thing to do, but someone has to provide those guys with some motivation to exercise...
My favorite things are running water, canned cat food, and hanging out in the bushes in the back yard or in my cat tree inside. My favorite people are dad, Hektor, Marcus, and then mom, or always first, the person who'll turn the faucet on for me. I love boxes and bags to climb into and have been almost packed up multiple times. I love to hide in closets and have spent hours in them when the humans forgot to find me, ugh! All in all it's sweet being Loki!
I hope you've enjoyed my life story. Check out the rest of mom's website, especially my pictures, they're adorable!