Lupa's life story
Hi, I'm an 14 year old German Shepherd Dog, just celebrated my birthday on March 1, 2008. My mum was kind enough to give me a page on the web, so I'm taking full advantage of it. I have to let mum type my pages because I slobber a lot, so she's afraid that dog drool won't go well with the keyboard.
Most importantly I wanted to let my presence be known to the GSD world out there. I didn't want to be the only one without a picture on the web. Visit my extensive picture gallery to see just how cute I can be.
I have three partners in crime. The first is a Siamese cat. His name is Lone Star and he's been around this household a little bit longer than I have. I was adopted by my mom when I was one and a half in November of 1995. Lone Star has been here since November 1992, so he's got 3 years on me with mum. You can go check Lone Star out at his home page where you can discover all the wild and crazy things he's done with his life. My second partner in crime is another German Shepherd Dog. His name is Peanut and he joined us in the summer of 1999. He has a web site too, so you can visit him there. He's almost 9 years old now and a great playmate. I like him a lot. My third partner in crime is Loki. He's a Bengal cat that mum and dad got in the summer of 2001. He's CRAZY! I'm a little scared of him. Mum finally got his website up on the www, so you can see what I'm talking about.
But enough about the other animals and on to me and my life. I was born March 1, 1994 to Forever Bodacious Bear and Forever Honey's Shenee. I then went to an Italian family which is where I got my full name, Lupa Barsi. Then I was adopted by a "back yard breeder" when I was almost a year old. I had a litter of puppies in September 1995 after which I was adopted by mum. I've been with her ever since. Since mum thought that I had done my breeding duty one too many times, I was promptly spayed by mum's employer (don't worry, he's a veterinarian) a month after she adopted me.
I'm a little wary of strangers, but I have a very big heart. I have gotten much better since we moved in with John who officially joined our family on May 23, 1998. That's when mum and John were married and I got to spend a week with my grandparents and their dogs, Maja and Psota, who appear through various photos on our websites. I loved my grandparents' old place because I get to guard the house and play around in the big back yard. Of course my favorite thing to do in that yard is digging in the ground and eating the earth I dig up. It gets my toofers squeaky clean! They just moved to a new house and I haven't had a chance to check it out yet, but I'm sure mum and John will take a vacation soon, and then...
I love to chew on Nylabones. They are possibly my favorite toy, chicken being the BEST flavor. Mum always makes sure that I have at least one lying around. And now they've come out with the new cheesy ones that you can microwave to make them softer. They are REALLY good, and I just eat them hard as bone (no microwaving for me). It takes me 15 minutes to devour the wolf sized ones because I have to hurry to beat Peanut at it. They're hmm, hmm, good. I just wish that mom would buy them for me more often.
I've had a lot of changes in my life in the last few years. Mum graduated from school and we moved back to Dallas. I got a really big yard and a house with lots of windows, so that Peanut and I could adequately bark at everyone who passed by our house. A year later, we got another new home! This one had a yard that was even bigger than the last one and the grass seemed to stick better. Maybe it's those things that pop up every day and spray water on everything. I get to run around a lot and dig up my own earth to chew up and clean my toofers with. I did manage (with Peanut's help) to dig up a big patch of lawn every winter. Then mum would put up this little piddly fence around it and pour some funny little things and dirt down in there, and then the grass would grow again! All that hard work for nothing! We'd be working on another dirt hole the next winter…
Then last year, we moved again, after another little human joined our household (I don't know where mum's getting those babies!). This time we moved closer to mum's work, so Peanut and I started having to go to the doggy salon to get our haircuts. Not a pleasant experience by any means, but mum seems to think that our hair's not a good floor padding. Oh well, we all have to be beautified sometimes… Mum says that we'll be staying at this house for a while. Something about a mortgage or something.
On the health front, I'm feeling the years in my bones. I can't get up as easily as I used to, but there's plenty of carpeting in this house, so that I don't have that hard of a time getting around. I gave mum a scare last year when I grew a tumor on my spleen (don't worry, it was benign!) and she had to take my whole spleen out. That was an experience! I think mum had a harder time with it than me…
On to happier subjects; it's so great having a home and a buddy (in Peanut) that I've changed into a much less shy and a lot more rumbunctious dog than I was 12 years ago (mum's thrilled). And now that I have a buddy to play with, I spend even more time outside and John comes out to play with us everyday. We have some great times out there. Of course, I always spend a little time inside playing with Lone Star, and outside with Loki, who are both really good at playing chase. I try to stay away from Loki mostly; he's too rough for me, but a little chasing around the yard never hurt anyone, so we try that from time to time. We all try to be extra cute when we play, so mum will videotape us frolicking. She's promised to catch us playing soon, so it won't be long now! Maybe one day I'll be able to have my very own movie on my website...
Of course the coolest thing about living back in Dallas, is that we're only 30 minutes away from grands' house, so I can go see Maja and Psota all the time. I think mum and pop are due for a vacation soon, so hopefully we'll get to have a vacation too. I just love to go over there and spend whole days outside on the weekend when grands let me. It's the MOST fun!
Well, I hope you enjoyed my little life story. Please sign our guestbook, so I can visit your site too! Oh yeah, go see all the other stuff too, since I spent all this time getting mum to put it up on the internet for me. Woof!