Lone Star's life story

Hi, I'm a 15 and a half year old Siamese cross domestic cat. I was born in Alpine, Texas, where meowmie found me under her friend's mobile home. My kitty mom was a pitch black short haired cat. She was very willing to find a good home for us kids. cat carrierMy kitty dad was a seal point apple-headed Siamese cat. He was a stray reluctant to interact with strangers. My meowmie picked me out of litter of 5 because I was the bravest one of the bunch. She then took me to her home in College Station and has since then provided me with room and board in exchange for much love.

There is a rather interesting story behind how I got my name. My first meal provided by a human (not meowmie, of course; she never allows me let my hair down) consisted of tuna water mixed with some Lone Star beer. scratching postI've tried to make it a rare occasion to celebrate like that, and actually haven't had a reason to repeat the offense. One of meowmie's friends insisted that Lone Star be my name, so here I am. I wasn't planning on sticking to it, but meowmie seemed to like it.

Of course starting immediately after joining the household, I have committed numerous offenses looked down upon by various humans. During my first Christmas holiday (1992), I ate meowmie's sister's hamster (can't even remember its name anymore). I was so cute at 3 months old that my auntie chose not to kill me right there and then. She did threaten to get a Rottweiler in the future that would eat me (as if a Rottweiler wouldn't fall in love with me, and want to play rather than anything else). cat in shopping bagInstead she now has a Boxer mix, but that's another story. I also spent the whole holiday in my grandma's crystal bowl, but she didn't seem to mind too much. Then there are the kitchen chairs that I ruined, but at least the new covers she replaced them with match the decor better, so really I just did grandma a favor. I helped the dogs with the old couch, but my scratching didn't do that much damage there, and now grands have a new couch, so again, I was helping. I much prefer using scratching posts anyway. I've broken a few things here and there (most memorably a thick frosted glass shade for a tiny lamp acquired at a garage sale), but all in all I'm a pretty good cat. food bowlThere is one really cute thing that I do that my grandma can't resist: every time she comes back from a shopping trip, I crawl into the paper bags and peek out of them looking cute. I had to win her heart somehow. Meowmie's hoping to catch me with her camera in that compromising situation, but she hasn't won yet.

cat holding dog by the tailI now live in a house in McKinney, Texas (a Dallas suburb). The humans decided to buy move again which really isn't all that bad of a thing. We have a nice back yard for me and Loki to play in, and my food counter is a little lower, so I can make it up there easier since old age is finally catching up with me. The only bad thing is that we're close to meowmie's work now, so I get to see the vet siamese in window(yeah, I know it's mom, but it's still not fun) more often in the office. My favorite places to hang out are any sunny spots and we've got plenty of them in our new house.

I hope you've enjoyed my little life story. Check out my partners in crime, Loki and Peanut. You can also visit Lupa's pages who used to be my best bud before Loki showed up. I think meowmie's got a page too, if you wanna go there, but I don't know why you'd want to have anything to do with anyone but me.

Do you want to know even more about me? You can check out my Purina CatChow.com home page!

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