The Siamese Cat

I decided to add a little page about my breed, so you can find out more about how we are supposed to be and how we really are. Hope you find this page useful, if you're trying to decide on what kind of breed of kitty to get. I can highly recommend getting a kitty just like myself, and leading an exciting life with your cat.

Some characteristics of the breed:

  • easy to groom - this I am not, but that's because my mom wasn't a Siamese, so she gave me her undercoat, so now my human mom has to brush me once a week to keep me from getting those yucky hairballs; normally though, Siamese have a single coat that's really easy to take care of
  • friendly with children - I suppose I am like this, but I don't know many kids, so when they do get a hold of me, I just act like a stuffed toy and do nothing to decrease the amount of damage they can do (trust me, they're much worse if you try to get away)
  • super-intelligent - definitely me!
  • highly trainable - mom seems to think that I am, but I just use it to get stuff
  • [photo]
  • affectionate - of course I am, since it's the only way to get attention back!
  • people-oriented - I am this extremely, since people is where you'll get most of the attention, so when someone comes over, I'm at the door even before the dog
  • dislikes solitude - I'd have to say that I don't like being alone, and actually, when there's only one human here, I give them special attention, since it's hard to get the same amount of attention from 1 human when you're used to getting it from 2
  • brazen and demanding - well of course I am; how else do you get your way?!
  • active and acrobatic - I try to be, so I can't wait till mom gets me that cat tree that goes all the way to the ceiling; you just can't have the same kind of fun on those 4 foot tall things
  • loud and talkative - I didn't used to be, but I've found that you get a lot more attention being talkative, so I try to talk as much as I can; mom and dad seem to find it quite amusing and give me extra attention for talking, so you bet I talk a lot!

What the Cat Encyclopedia has to say about Siamese:

"Although the Siamese is an ancient breed, its origins are obscure. No one knows if the "Royal Cat of Siam," the companion of kings and priests, and guardian of the royal palace, actually originated in Thailand (which used to be called Siam). [photo]Many legends and theories surround its origins: that it is a descendant of the ancient cat of Egypt; that its ancestry traces back to the sacred cat of Burma; and that it originated from the breeding of a rare albiono cat presented to the king of Siam long ago. We do know that it was a highly prized breed in the Siamese capital of Ayutthaya hundreds of yours ago, because a delicate illustration of a Seal Point appears in the manuscript Cat Book Poems prepared in that ancient city somtime between 1360 and 1767.

When the Siamese reached the West is another debatable point. The first to arrive in England, according to some breed historians, were Pho and Mia, a pair presented by the king of Siam to Mr. Owen Gould, British consul-general in 1894. Yet the breed must have been known in England at least thirteen years prior to that date because the catalog of the 1871 London cat show indicates that two Siamese were exhibited. The fist recorded American Siamese belonged to Mrs. Rutherford B. Hayes (wife of the 19th President of the United States) in the late 1870s.

Siamese are handsome and elegant cats with long, narrow bodies; long, slim legs; tapering, wedge-shaped heads, and whiplike tails. Their fine and glossy hair lies close to the body. The lighter body color is accentuated by darker points or extremeties: facial mask, ears, legs, feet, and tail. Siamese kittens are born solid white or ivory; their color points begin to darken within several weeks. Siamese are highly intelligent and clever creatures that can be a real handful. They are unduly curious, demanding cats that resent being left alone -- they want their people nearby at all times! Siamese are easy to train; playing ball and retrieving are two of their favorite activities. Their athlitic feats can take one's breath away, and most learn to open closet and cupboard doors with great expertise. Of all the cat breeds the Siamese is the most talkative. Their vocabulary is amazing, and they adore carrying on spirited "conversations" with their owners. If you're looking for an affectionate but lively companion, a Siamese may be a good choice.

[photo]Siamese colors: seal point, chocolate point, blue point, lilac point.

What I, Lone Star the Siamese, think:

I think that the Encyclopedia gives you a pretty good explanation of what a Siamese is like. Mom says that I used to be a lot worse as a young cat, but throughout the years, I have learned my boundries (yeah right! I'd just rather sleep). I do agree with the "don't like being alone" stuff. It's sad to be without someone giving you attention, which is why when my humans are gone, I sleep with the dog. Better a dog, than no one at all! I know that a lot of cats would disagree, but they don't have MY dogs. I am beautiful, but you can see that in my pictures; and I am very smart. As for the colors, I think that our book is pretty old, so there are probably more recognized Siamese colors by now.

Well, I hope that this little page was helpful, and that you learned something about my breed that you didn't know.

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