My flowers and colors

Choosing the colors for the wedding wasn't too difficult once I saw what I wanted. Until that moment came, it was an uphill battle. I found the really nice Champagne Formals dress that you can see on the bridesmaids' dress page. One of the colors they offered was the taupe which I fell in love with. It was very understated and looked just the way I wanted it. It also worked well with my bridesmaids complexions.

For the flowers, I wanted the tiger lily from the beginning, since I was going to try to dye my hair carrot red (like Leeloo in "The Fifth Element") for the wedding, and I wanted to match and emphasize it. The hair didn't turn out quite that orange, but everyone loved it (especially the whole beauty salon where I had my hair and make-up done), and it did look well with the lilies, so my mission was accomplished. For my attendants, I wanted pale orange (sort of peach) carnations, since I LOVE carnations. The florist was happy to oblige, and they looked really good. The difference made my tiger lilies stand out quite nicely. The moms' and grandmother's corsages were made out of 6 white mini carnations, and the boutonnieres had a mini carnation each, except for John's which had 2. For decorations, we got silk tiger lilies (in white, orange, and light yellow) which we put in little bud vases that we used as centerpieces at the reception. We had to cut cost somewhere, and since the reception hall was already very extravagantly decorated by the Holiday Inn, this seemed the obvious place to do it. It looked beautiful, and it made the flower and decorations bills laughable.

bridal and bridesmaids' bouquets
