Our honeymoon

We found a great place to honeymoon! We went on a cruise!

It's not overly original, but with the all inclusive package, we really couldn't find anything else more affordable. We originally wanted to go to Alaska, but we don't have that kind of time, so we decided on Mexico instead. It helps living so close to the gulf. We sailed on a Norwegian Cruise Lines ship, the Leeward, on the 4 day cruise to Key West and Cozumel. It was very relaxing and we had a lot of fun. Of course, this being our honeymoon, we splurged and got the biggest room on the ship that we could afford. We had a sitting room and everything. It worked out well for us, since we weren't overly interested in mixing with other people; just wanted to spend time alone. We only went on 1 shore excursion, and that was a lot of fun. We went snorkeling off the beach in Cozumel. Saw the most beautiful fish. It was my first time to snorkel and we're definitely going to do it again sometime. Even John enjoyed it, although he's not really big on swimming since he doesn't float at all. Even with the vest slightly inflated, he still had to paddle pretty hard to keep afloat. At least he got his workout for the day doing that. Other than that, we just stayed on the ship and enjoyed being free from everything. I had my hair cut, since having it long for the wedding, so it could be put in an up-do was my only reason for growing it out, and I was ready to go back to it being short. John managed to work out in the little fitness center on the ship, sometimes twice a day.

It was a short little trip, but we usually take short vacations, so it was enough for us. We just couldn't wait to get back to our computers and back into our everyday lives, finally together... :)

Honeymoon photos

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The cruise ship we sailed on at the Cozumel dock.

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Ewa at the Cozumel port.

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John in Cozumel's town square.

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Ewa in the cabin; not much for having pictures taken.

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The gym on board where John spent quite a bit of time while I was getting haircuts, etc.

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Another cruise ship at night we saw while leaving Cozumel.

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John on board the Leeward.

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Ewa enjoying the cruise.

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